Annika Samuelsen Annika Samuelsen

What do I think I’m doing?

Here’s where I attempt to describe what I think massage does. This is an incomplete answer, but it’s a start.

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Annika Samuelsen Annika Samuelsen

I just want a massage.

Here’s where you read about the importance of therapeutic goals, and why it’s okay not to have them.

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Annika Samuelsen Annika Samuelsen

Do you do deep tissue?

Here’s where you read about the term “deep tissue” and find out what it means to me.

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Annika Samuelsen Annika Samuelsen

Values that guide me.

Here’s where you read about three important qualities of my work: attentive, intentional and kind.

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Annika Samuelsen Annika Samuelsen

Why “Sandpiper”?

Here’s where you read about how I used to be an ornithologist and how I chose my business name.

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