Why “Sandpiper”?

The bird on my logo (thoughtfully designed by Evry Creative in Seattle, WA) is a western sandpiper (Calidris mauri). Western sandpipers and other small shorebirds of the same genus are sometimes collectively referred to as “peeps”.

Prior to becoming a massage therapist, I worked as an ornithologist for ten years. My undergraduate thesis research was on Leach’s storm petrels (Hydrobates leucorhous) in Nova Scotia, and my graduate thesis research was on Smooth-billed anis (Crotophaga ani) in Puerto Rico. I always liked the idea of having a business name that called back to this part of my life. I chose “Sandpiper Massage” after making the decision to establish my business in Edmonds, WA. In went “Puget Sound” + “beach” + “bird”, and out came “sandpiper”. What I love about my business name is that even people who do not know too much about birds seem to have a positive memory associated with watching sandpipers quickly trace the shoreline as the waves move in and out, probing the mud with their bills along the way. I don’t think I’ll ever tire of hearing “Oh, sandpipers are so cute!” or “I love the beach!” when I tell someone about my business.

Although it’s been 10+ years since I’ve worked in the field of wildlife biology, it’s still very much a part of who I am, and I’m pleased to have this reminder of my roots every day I go into work at my clinic.


Values that guide me.