Should you take off your undies?

The short answer is: only if that’s how you’re most comfortable during your massage. However, let me go a little further and tell you what to expect when you decide to keep your underwear on, or decide to take your underwear off.

What to expect if you keep your underwear on. Your underwear will stay completely covered by the top sheet for the duration of the session. I won’t move your underwear or tuck the top sheet into them. My massage therapy strokes will end just before where your underwear begin. If you’re wearing boxers, you’ll have to move your underwear for me if you want to give me access to work on the entire leg. Gluteal massage can be included if you keep your underwear on, but it will be done over the sheet.

What to expect if you take your underwear off. Unless we’ve discussed working “directly” with the glutes, which means on the skin, expect the same treatment as keeping your underwear on. In other words, taking your underwear off does not give me a green light for moving the top sheet off your glutes and working there.

However, taking your underwear off does allow me to work with the low back, glutes, and leg (front and back) in a different way. I can span my massage strokes across the entire pelvis rather than stopping at the underwear line. If you have a reason for not wanting your glutes uncovered, we can still work directly on this area with a loose drape. And, just for completely clarity, your genitals and gluteal cleft (i.e. butt crack) always stay covered.

As I was writing this I thought of two other related things to mention. 1. Let me know if you have a preference for a secure (tight, tucked in) or loose top sheet, and 2. It might feel like it sometimes, but I never let your gluteal cleft show when I’m working on your low back .


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What I do well.