Therapeutic Massage

This is my regular massage session. A “therapeutic massage” is simply a massage given with the intention of producing certain therapeutic outcomes. Commonly, people seek massage for relaxation and treatment of specific issues felt in the muscles of the body like aches, pain, and tension.

  • Prior to each session you will have an opportunity to tell me which areas of the body you want to include or exclude.

    We can focus on body parts:

    scalp | face | neck | upper chest | abdomen | arms | forearms | hands | fingers | back | glutes | legs | feet | toes

    We can focus on joints:

    shoulders | hips | knees | ankles | jaw | vertebrae | SI joint | ribs

  • Prior to the session we will talk about what you are experiencing and you will choose what areas you want worked on.

  • The drape is the sheet that covers you. You’ll start fully covered with me working over the sheet. I will undrape the area we are working on then cover it back up when I finish.

  • I am open to receiving your input. Feel free to ask me questions about what we are doing, or share how something feels. Tell me “I’d like to stop,” if that’s what you need.

Experienced with:

  • anxiety

  • burnout

  • cancer treatment

  • complex health histories | autoimmune conditions

  • fibromyalgia

  • hypermobility | hEDS

  • joint replacement surgeries

  • neurodivergence

  • persistent pain | chronic pain

  • trauma | c-PTSD

Techniques used:

Here are the massage and manual techniques I most often use in my treatments.

  • myofascial technique

  • Swedish massage (compressions, petrissage, rocking)

  • gentle cervical traction

  • long-axis traction (arms, fingers, legs, toes)

  • active and passive joint range of motion

  • low grade joint mobilizations

  • dermoneuromodulation