Full Chest Massage

I’m happy to have the opportunity to offer this treatment option to you, whether you’re seeking it for comfort (see chest-opening massage) or for recovery from chest surgeries (see post-operative massage).

A full chest massage is an upper body session that focuses on the front: chest, ribcage and abdomen. In a typical massage therapy session, we only work on the upper chest (above armpits), whereas when we work on the full chest we span the entire torso. We’ll be working really close to any breast tissue you have, but not directly with it unless you ask.

This area of the body feels private and vulnerable for many people, which is why it's important that you choose a draping option that feels comfortable for you. If we start and you change your mind it’s okay, just ask me to stop.

  • I’m borrowing the term “chest-opening” from yoga asana because I think it best describes the sensation of opening across the front of the body this massage treatment option creates. Directly addressing tight-feeling, sore or painful muscles on the front of the upper body may help with breathing, movement and posture-related goals. Addressing this area is surprisingly effective at increasing comfort around the neck, shoulder, abdomen and pelvis.

  • I provide attentive, choice- and consent-based care after lumpectomy, mastectomy, breast reduction/augmentation and other surgeries.

    This treatment is expected to help with recovery by decreasing sensitivity of scar tissue and maintaining range of motion in the chest, shoulder and neck.

  • Any work within the anatomical boundaries of breast tissue requires your permission, in writing. I will not uncover or massage your chest unless we have discussed treating this area prior to the session starting. If you choose, you may bring a person in the room with you as witness. Finally, the choice to stop the treatment is yours to make at any time.

    Let me know of any other choices you need to help make this treatment option feel safe and comfortable.

  • The drape is the sheet, pillow case or towel that covers you. You’ll start fully covered with me working over the sheet. You can then decide whether to give me permission to work on your chest partially uncovered, or fully uncovered (pictured here). Another option is to wear a soft tank top or t-shirt and I can massage over your clothing.

  • If we have worked together before, you will know that I am open to receiving your input during treatment. Feel free to ask me questions about what we are doing, or share how something feels. Tell me “I’d like to stop,” if that’s what you need.

  • I like when my clients ask me about this treatment option. You can ask something like “Can you tell me about chest massage?” and we’ll discuss it.

    You can also book this treatment specifically by selecting Full Chest Therapeutic Massage on my online booking site.